Contra dancing (and all the old men with clammy hands that it entails)! Pastry slingin'! Caney Bottom/Daniel Ridge/Long Branch with my favorite S-Works rider! Marshal's faux-hawk!
And to top it all off, Lake Logan! Like omg what an endless suffer-fest...thank you, old dudes who were laying down a scorching pace the ENTIRE time. KOP: I don't think you'll be losing your crown anytime soon.

I pretty much love everyone here. I don't think there's anywhere on the east coast with as fab a riding crew as B-Town. (This counts for people not in the picture too, including those of you who abstain from skinny tires.)

This is probably the least picturesque and amazing view from the entire ride. The rest of the time I was too busy banging into a forty-foot brick wall over and over to take purty pictures.
too busy banging huh...
ReplyDeletei just noticed your blog list says wisdom of others, im not sure mine is wisdom more like retardation, so i'd be great if you could make a new list for those of us who don't talk about training and powertaps every other post. that will be all thank you goodbye.
ReplyDeletedano out.