now, i'm not a particularly creative or hard-working student but i do like learning. so i've been complaining about BC classes a lot and sometimes even lamenting the decision to transfer because this semester my classes are never stimulating (except the environmental one. yay, recycling!) and full of people who don't give a damn. but!
i just got back from the humanities department dinner and it was exciting! it combined two of my most favorite things: free food and liberal arts worthless-in-a-post-apocalyptic-world people. the trinity of religion professors (tee hee, get it?) did little presentations on what they do in their spare time and it was so interesting...downright stimulating. i learned all about hymnology vs. hymnody...apparently one of the faculty is a preeminent hymnodist AND hymnologist. i love it when people are preeminent anythings. it reminds me of steve carell in little miss sunshine:
Richard: Who's Larry Sugarman?
Frank: Probably the second highest regarded Proust scholar in the US.
Richard: Who's number one?
Frank: That would be me, Rich.
Richard: Really?
why do i love that scene? maybe because richard is a meanie jerkface and frank is a sad but urbane academic.
sorry. anyway. another professor (who taught my fab world religions class) talked about his nascent project on religion and food and i was all like omg! i love food! it is like my religion! so i talked to him about it afterward and i got that tingly mentally-stimulated feeling. i like new ideas and people who think a lot.
also, in a similar vein, shout-out goes to the teaching company for their aMAZING courses on tape. i wish they gave out cycling sponsorships because i would promote them SO hard. alas, i fear those two paths shall never meet.
also not in a similar vein i like coaching soccer, especially when the weather is so delightful. i get to yell at middle school girls and while it may sound like i'm yelling at them about soccer, i'm actually yelling at them to have high self-esteems, not pick on other girls, and survive until high school. really. but i don't think they're listening very well.

geez. sorry. all that was so boring.
race report!: rainy saturday. rainy sunday. gritty mouth, soaking butt, numb toes. a better showing from b-town than the last two weekends, thanks to some domination by jami and joh and tristan's very roadie-esque finish. just'll never be a roadie, i promise. i actually did something exciting-ish on sunday--i attacked on a hill and got away! it's not nearly as good as it sounds but it was worth a 2nd place so i'm content i suppose. now, no more silly collegiate for awhile: up next are hobby park and THE ASSAULT, i.e. the most important "race" of the season. bring it.